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The sacred traditions of Lavish Lamb Canine Royalty Etiquette and traditions. Royal rules we abide by at all times.


1: It's tradition for our founding canines to be almost exclusively mixed  breeds, in other words, marvelous mongrels, or "All British" dogs.
Only a King or Queen foundation dog may be purebred. Overtime this rule will diminish as we establish a proper standard, then all of our dogs will be British Lighthounds rather than mutts.

2: It's forbidden for any royal canine to have the following traits. Aggressive, Couch potato, Stubborn, Troublemaker, Jumpy. It's against our code to reward any behaviour pertaining to these traits, or adopt a dog or puppy with these traits.

3: Only the King and Queen may bare the Crowns of honour, which is a special kind of crown crafted
from fine golds. Any dog ranking below them such as Duchess and Princesses may bare crowns and tiaras that although are lower grade, are still very luxurious and well made to symbolize their loyalty to the crown, Great Britain, and good Companion-dog-ship.

4: A Couple of dogs MUST be married first and have a traditional wedding ceremony before they begin to
have puppies or partake in anything intimate.

5: From every married doggy couple the first born of their first litter always stays with the royal family and resides with us, later training in agility just like their parents and earning themselves a noble title.

6: A royal canine must NEVER bite a person, unless they are the King or Queen if the dog does inflict any kind of injury onto a person the dog risks being thrown out of royalty and having their title removed. They must then prove themselves worthy via rehabilitation, and assisting their handler more often with commands and obedience. This thankfully has not yet occurred throughout the  history of our bloodline

7: Before a dog whelps puppies they must acquire a "Master Trick Dog title" and they must be an Agility Champion at minimum. Before a dog fathers puppies they must achieve their "Master Trick dog title" and bare an Agility Semi-pro rank or higher

8: For a male dog who was adopted or married into the royal family  to become a Duke or gain any royal title they must excel at agility first to prove himself to the King before he is crowned, then a ceremony must be held.

9: It is traditional for our dog's everyday attire to be a formal Bow-tie which is coloured accordingly to the dog's coat colours, this colour can change depending on season and holiday but it's the preferred formal attire rather than a simplistic collar. A collar is appropriately sported usually during agility.

10: The following breeds may never be added to our breed's gene-pool due to their original breed's purpose and temperament conflicting with our ideal bloodline's temperament. Chow-chow, Bloodhound, American Pit-bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier,  Mastiff, Boxer, English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Pug, and Akita.

However, the following breeds are preferred and likely to always exist in our bloodline due to their gentler more ideal nature. Golden Retriever, Greyhound, Airedale Terrier, German Shepherd, Belgian Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, Rough Collie, Standard Poodle, Silken Windhound,  just to name a few.
our rules are subject to change
at any time we see fit. However we will always maintain professional practices and do the best we can for our dogs and our breed.
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