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Title: Duchess of the kennel
Loveliest Nurturer of the Kennel
Show name: LLK's Ravishing River
Female Rough Collie Husky mix breed
DNA Percentages: 50% Rough Collie, 25% Golden Retriever, 25% Siberian Husky
Colour: Tan and Brown tri-colour
Eye colour: light blue
Age: 6.5 years old (Adult)
Size: 48 lbs
(Large dog)
Origin: Stray from Liverpool, England
Traits: Friendly, Vocal, Smart
Temperament: Kind, warming, cheerful
Likes: howling at the moon, singing, brightening others day
Dislikes: Fleas and ticks
Married to: King Aubrey
Litters: 2
Offspring: Prince Donovan, Noah, Amabel,  Aurora
Relatives: Prince Donovan (Son)
Trained Commands: Lie down, Shake, Play Fetch, Sit, play dead, speak, roll over. *all commands learned
Fertility: unaltered/intact
Vaccinated?: Yes


Health Testing Scores:

BVA: Excellent Hips

Fun facts: Duchess Romilly's favourite kind of tea is peppermint!

Biography: Often quiet and reserved, Duchess Romilly  has a compassionate helpful  heart, she values love, trust, and wants peace for all. Romilly is known to be a tender caring mother, she still has a close loving bond with her son Donovan. Walks and sprints across the country-side is one of her favourite activities, but her most
favoured activity has to be taking a dip in the refreshing pool, she has an affinity for swimming that none of our other dogs seem to have attained.


Master Trick Dog Title Achieved


Status: Active Competitor
Trials completed: 17
Perfect Trials: 10
Best time: 17 minutes
Career level: " Supreme Agility Champion"
Achieved by completing 10 perfect trials


SIKC Points: none yet


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